Pelakon Azwan Kombos menyambut ulang tahun kelahirannya yang ke-33 hari ini.

Suami kepada aktres Ezzaty Abdullah itu mendedahkan kehidupannya berubah selepas kehadiran puteri sulungnya, Harum Dahlia.

Azwan berkongsi ucapan tersebut menerusi akaun Instagram miliknya.

"My birthday came early this year. At this age, my song playlist had change from hardcore metal to baby lullaby.

"I can named top 20 most popular baby song from any platform. I can even sing along and adding improvisation.

"The man who used to be petrified by his neighbours or any threats is now a warm and lovable person. You can smell his kindness from miles away.

"But one thing what never change is his good look. No one doubt that, even himself," tulis Azwan.

My birthday came early this year. At this age, my song playlist had change from hardcore metal to baby lullaby. I can named top 20 most popular baby song from any platform. I can even sing along and adding improvisation. The man who used to be petrified by his neighbours or any threats is now a warm and lovable person. You can smell his kindness from miles away. But one thing what never change is his good look. No one doubt that, even himself. #thisismydecember #mytimeoftheyear

A post shared by Azwan Kombos (@azwankombos) on

Menerusi entri tersebut, Azwan telah memuat naik fotonya bersama keluarganya ketika majlis sambutan hari jadi Harum baru-baru ini.

Ezzaty juga memuat naik rakaman video kejutan sempena hari lahir Azwandi rumah beserta ucapan khas.

"A simple surprise for him just now. Happy birthday baby besar!!

"Nothing much to say here in media social. I’ll wisper all my wishes for you alone okay @azwankombos," tulisnya.

A simple surprise for him just now. Happy birthday baby besar!! Nothing much to say here in media social. I’ll wisper all my wishes for you alone okay? @azwankombos

A post shared by Ezzaty Abdullah (@ezzatyabdullah) on

Peminat juga mengambil peluang untuk sama-sama memberikan ucapan hari lahir kepada Azwan di ruangan komen.

Selain itu, ruangan Instagram Azwan juga turut dihujani dengan komen peminat yang mendoakan kebahagiaan keluarga mereka.

Azwan dan Ezzaty telah mendirikan rumah tangga pada Julai 2006 dan dikurniakan seorang cahaya mata perempuan, Harum Dahlia.